Monday, March 24, 2008

Off to EMS Today in Baltimore

I'm still furiously packing, but we leave tomorrow morning for the drive to Baltimore and the EMS Today conference. We had a really good time last year, but this time around promises something different as we will be competing in the JEMS Games. Our equipment is as ready as it is going to get, and we've practiced whenever we found time (which was almost never), but we are giving it a shot nonetheless.

Please wish us luck, and I'll be back next week to report on everything!


Ambulance Driver said...

I'll be there, too.

Pay me a visit at the booth or the National EMS Museum booth.

And good luck!

Anonymous said...

dare i say we have a "cross over" blog in the future? I'll be making a special appearence as a patient in the JEMS games.

LadyBeth said...

Have fun at the conference! I SO wish I was year though!

White Devil said...

Haven't read your BLOG in ages Foster. Good to see you're still alive and kicking. From the brief read I just had it looks like you've come a long way in a couple short years. Don't forget your friends on Nico.

Stay Safe buddy..."so others may live"...